Window Care Tips To Make Them Look Their Best & Last Long
Dirty windows are one of the quickest ways to feel like your home or office are not clean. However, there are several ways to keep new window installations looking their best and lasting as long as possible. It’s important to keep in mind that you want to keep both the inside and outside of the windows clean.
Here are a few general window cleaning tips…
•The most important thing to remember for keeping your windows clean is that you want to stay on top of the cleaning. If you only clean the windows once or twice a year, they will get more difficult to clean and the build-up can begin to impact the integrity of your windows. Create a system and schedule for cleaning your windows and then set reminders so you don’t forget. Having a reminder in your calendar every other month helps you stay on top of the situation.
•Sometimes it is helpful to hire a professional to help with the cleaning of your outside windows. It can work well to have them come once a year and then clean them yourself between their annual visits.
Here are a few tips for cleaning the inside of your windows…
•Use one part hot water and one part distilled vinegar as a cleaning solution for your windows. Using vinegar means you won’t have to deal with the suds produced by cleaning products. You might also consider using a squeegee when drying your windows to help them stay streak free.
•Keep your home well ventilated so dust and particles don’t build up on the windows. One way to do this is by regularly cleaning the air filters and air ducts in your home.
•Don’t forget to also clean your blinds and wash your curtains. If these are dirty, the dirt and particles from them can easily transfer to the windows.
Here are a few tips for cleaning the outside of your windows…
•Pollen from the plants near your home can collect on your windows so it is important to keep trees and plants trimmed back and away from windows.
•Don’t forget that it’s also important to clean the screens. If you only clean the windows, particles that get trapped in the screen, or between the screen and window, can get transferred to your newly cleaned windows.
•Be careful with hand watering or using sprinklers on your lawn as overspray on your windows can build up over time and make them difficult to clean.
As your local Tampa residential window experts, we know just how important a clean and long lasting window means to you in your home. We would be happy to help assist you in finding the type of glass, style of window frame, and design that will feet seamlessly into your home and your lifestyle! We even offer free quotes, so be sure to check it out today!