Why You Should Always Get a Home Inspection Before You Buy
You found you a home you love & the hardest part seems to be behind you… or is it? The home buying process can be long and tedious, but it’s vital that you look into the home critically, even when it seems perfect and you are overjoyed. The home inspection is essential to make sure that you know exactly what you are getting yourself into and every issue or potential issue is presented to you before you have to sign the contract. Surprises may be fun on your birthday, but not when they have to do with a major issue in your home after closing day. Here are a few reasons why you should always get a home inspection before you purchase a new home.
The house you buy is likely going to be the largest purchase you make in your life, and being diligent about the details will only help you in the long run. Being cautious is a great thing, so you can properly decide if this house is what you were expecting or not.
Some buyers choose to opt out of an inspection and some others wish that they could, but in all actuality, the inspection process is there to protect the buyer from any catastrophic surprises that can become not so sweet.
- You should always get a home inspection done because you will learn all the ins and out of the house. It’s great to have the paperwork on exactly what the experts see.
- You can budget what projects may need to be done and when – in order of priority.
- You can negotiate the price of your home accordingly based on how much work will need to be done.
- You will get an accurate account of the age, condition, and make of the details of the home.
When it comes to your new home, windows and doors are one of the main details that your home inspector will look at – and for good reason! These large investments should either be in great shape, or need to be re-done and that knowledge can help you get a better price on the home in the negotiation process.
If you are looking at a new home purchase and are in need of a quote or some new windows installed, we would be honored to help you in any way we can. In fact, we have created a free quote form where you can hear back from us on any projects you have in the pipeline!